...slowly, especially if you need CQC approval.
CQC registration
Despite the CQC saying the registration process is currently taking 6/7 months, clients tell us the timescale is more like 9 months or longer. This is supported by some of the registration advisors we speak to.
Can I make a start in anticipation of CQC registration?
We think you can start with what might be called the softer side of functional medicine, services like a holistic assessment based on a comprehensive history and analysis of relevant test results with treatment plans formulated primarily using an evidence-based diet and lifestyle- medicine approach. The recommendations should focus on diet and nutrition, physical movement, mental wellbeing, adequate sleep and lifestyle adaptations to improve metabolic functioning, nutritional sufficiency and reduced stress.
The more important issue
If you are not balancing enough issues, you will also have to consider the impact of the delay and the reduced range of services you can offer will have on your business plan. If for example, the restrictions reduce your treatment revenue by half, you will take twice as long to reach your projected revenue target, and that may or may not be sustainable given your fixed costs. Ultimately, as small business people ourselves, we know that everything boils do to a monthly trading position…
Owlicity works with a number of experienced commercial people who will be able to assist with start up or small businesses and will be able to gauge the impact in your particular circumstances.