Supporting practitioners

Functional Medicine remains a controversial practice. A complaint to the GMC is perhaps the biggest risk faced by practitioners. Owlicity is on hand to assist you through this process. We have successfully had a number of complaints dismissed within weeks. Other issues have taken longer, but we are pleased with our track record of support.

Owlicity's connection to Functional Medicine

The Owlicity team works with a number of Functional Medicine, Integrative Medicine and alternative primary care practices. We have connections to some of the pioneers in the sector which are explained in the video below.

Integrative Medicine

Owlicity's indemnity is also suitable for integrative medicine. We view the interface between traditional and root cause or preventative medicine as an important part of a practice.

A guide to pricing

Starting Out

A Functional Medicine practitioner starting out with functional testing to drive diet and lifestyle choice and supplement recommendations can pay as little as £840 for a year. This is more expensive than straight nutritionist cover ,but as a qualified doctor you will be held to much higher standards and potentially need more rigorous defence.

Early Growth

As your practice grows you might add a second doctor and also focus on some specific conditions. You will possibly do a small amount of British National Formulary approved prescribing. At this level our Functional Medicine indemnity costs around £3,000 in total or a cost of £1,500 per doctor.

Full Service

As your reputation develops you might wish to add some off-label prescribing for specific conditions. Specific cover for accepted off-label prescribing costs around £6,000 in total which is again split between the two or three practitioners in your business.

Significant Growth

As a multi-doctor practice with a reputation for a range of health issues you will require cover for a number of off-label prescription. Furthermore, Owlicity has developed a method for assessing the use of drugs for off-label treatments which has been accepted by the insurer. We have recently asses a list of medications for the treatment of long-COVD. At this level premiums start at £6,000 for a practice with less than £65,000 turnover and increase to around £15,000 at a turnover of around £500,000


Scans and Cancer Treatment

Providing scanning and specific disease testing services (eg blood tests for cancer) is possible, but increases the cost. We can support a practice to provide strong consenting and disclaimers to moderate the risk of these services.

Starting out in Integrative and Functional Medicine

Owlicity is here to help give advice to practitioners on starting their journey in building an Integrative or Functional Medicine practice.