Medico-Legal Cover Application

Indicative Pricing


Turnover Option 1
(No patient examination)
Option 2
(Patient examination)
Up to £100,000 £392.00 £784.00
100,001 to £250,000 £560.00 £1,120.00
250,001 to £350,000 £644.00 £1,344.00
350,001 to £450,000 £739.20 £1,612.80
450,001 to £550,000 £851.20 £1,935.36
550,001 to £650,000 £980.00 £2,515.52
Over 650,001 Call Owlicity Call Owlicity

Specific indemnity for medico-legal reporting

Experts who stick to their area of expertise remain beyond reproach despite the Jones vs Kaney judgement. This does not mean that experts will need to be defended and that in itself costs. Insurance covers this cost.

More significantly, lawyers are increasingly seeking to cut costs. Preparing cases is an expensive business which is often only remunerated if the case is won. Experts might be pressurised to comment on areas outside their expertise. For example a pain expert might be invited to comment on the psychology of a case. A reasonable rule of thumb is to restrict comment to issues which you would be happy to deal with clinically in private practice - only comment on the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes that you would bill for.

Owlicity offers wide ranging support. We advised one client on recovering fees where he had provided an unsupportive opinion. The lawyer has sought not to pay the report fee. Armed with our advice, the matter settled in the corridors of the court house.

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